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Mandy Ure
Mandy Ure is a painter. She has exhibited widely in the UK and abroad, most recently in Gallery Holly Snapp. San marco Venice, where she took part in a group show ‘Painting: London’. Mandy also showed in the 2003 Venice Biennale.


Writing of her work in 2000, M. Herbert wrote:
    "The ambiguities and capabilities of painting provide the backdrop for Mandy Ure’s work, which leads us through several phases of ambiguity to a moment of
    absolute candour... forms swim out of Ure’s painted blats, always remaining the result of a unitary, mechanistic production – they do not signify in an
    expressionistic way and, close up, rapidly disperse into abstractions… …All the classic ingredients are in place, but exploded so as to be read as conventions.

    While her paintings have something of the radiance of terminally –ill patients, that radiance should not blind one to their true condition. These paintings are not
    what they appear to be, but become themselves through temporality, effecting a dance of the seven veils before revealing themselves. For Ure, the question
    now is not how to make another painting: that part, as she makes abundantly clear, is easy. The question she asks is what painting should do, what its purpose
    can possibly be."
Mandy was one of fifteen artists nominated by the Contemporary Art Society in its 2004 Artfutures scheme; her work was nominated by
Ian Hunt, writer and critic. Mandy’s work has been regularly reviewed: 'Nightwood' at Rhodes + Mann Gallery, London was reviewed in ‘Frieze’ (issue 75, 2003) and ‘Art Monthly’ (issue 264, 2003) 'Arrangement', also at Rhodes + Mann Gallery, London was reviewed in ‘Time Out’ (August 2003); 'Scenery' reviewed by Louisa Buck, ‘Venice Insider’s Guide’, Royal Academy Magazine, (summer 2003, pp.28 – 29); and listed in [a-n] magazine (June 2003, p.4). Mandy has been the successful winner of grants from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the British Council and Arts Council England.

Mandy has an MA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths College, University of London and a first degree from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, University of Dundee. She is the Programme Leader for BA (hons) Fine Art at UWE.

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